jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

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Think B4 U post

The recent suicide of 15-year-old Vancouver teen Amanda Todd reminds us that the Internet can be very dangerous. 

Safer Internet Day will take place next 9th February 2010. Insafe is a european network of Awareness Centres promoting safe and responsible use of the Internet and protegeles.com the awareness centre is Spain.

The campaign insists that we must control our online identity, by using the privacy settings offered by social networing services, selecting friends online that twe can trust, publishing our own photos after thinking carefully about the potential consequences, and publishing pictures of our friends with their permission.

More videos: Think B4 U post 2, think B4 U post 3, dónde está Pablo, bullying at school.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Exercise 2: Parts of a technical report.

Write down, in english, the different sections that should include a technical report . Translate it into Spanish.

Due date: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Exercise 1: Sign up at www.plataformaeleven.com

Sign up at the digital text: http://www.plataformaeleven.com
Upload a screenshot of your profile. Find an example below.

 Due date: Thursday, October 4th, 2012.

Exercise 0: Create a new blog

Create a new blog for my subject, Technology 2ºESO.
Send me the address of the blog to diegoprofe1@gmail.com
Due date: Thursday, October 4th, 2012.